Excellent 👌...
Loosely based on the tale of The Little Mermaid, this book follows the journey of Isla, a young mermaid who is banished from her kingdom but instead ends up saving it from an evil plot. My first thought on this book is that it should be a film. I'm serious. A full length feature film with big Hollywood actors and the whole caboodle. It is rare that I come across books like this but when it does happen I like to say so. The author should definitely think about turning this into a script and selling it. The only problem that I had with this book was I wanted to see a little bit more of the worlds. Everything else was very well described and very well put together but both the human world and the merfolk world seemed to be lacking in description. Other than that everything else was amazing. The writing was descriptive enough to make it interesting but blunt enough to get the point across without having to repeat scenes over and over again. The story line was very well-thought-out and very well put together. The characters were very well developed and by the end of the book you find yourself cheering for the victors. Speaking of the ending, I thought it was particularly lovely the way the author decided to tie everything up in a neat little bow. And I mean that truly. The ending was perfectly sweet and also very well done. This is definitely a book that I would recommend to others.
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Sumi's Books
May 2020